Our Telehealth Services

Access convenient and comprehensive healthcare online.
Consult with experienced doctors via secure video or phone appointments from anywhere.



We can help you with


Medical Certificates

Get a medical certificate for work, school, or university conveniently through an online appointment with a doctor.



Consult with a doctor online and receive prescriptions for a range of common health concerns, sent to you instantly.


General Health

Consult with experienced doctors online for a wide range of general health concerns, for investigations and treatments. 


Mental Health

Find the support you need with our online mental health services, including consultations, referrals and mental health plans.



Simplify the referral process for pathology and radiology tests with our convenient online referral forms.


Sexual Health

Consult with experienced healthcare providers for advice, testing, and treatment for a range of sexual health concerns, including sexually transmitted infections (STIs), contraception, and sexual dysfunction.




Access comprehensive pregnancy support, including testing, consultations, and referrals.


Specialist Referrals

Easily request referrals to specialists through our online platform.



Frequently Asked Questions

1What telehealth services do you offer?
Get convenient telehealth GP services online, including medical certificates, prescriptions, specialist referrals, and pathology/radiology requests. Please note, we can't provide restricted medications, chronic disease management plans, or workers' compensation paperwork. Contact us with any questions.
2What are your doctors qualifications?
Our online doctors are highly qualified, Australian-registered GPs. They hold Fellowships with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and are registered with AHPRA, ensuring you receive expert care you can trust.
3What is the price of a telehealth consultation?
We offer both bulk-billed and private consultations. Bulk billing is available for eligible patients. Private consultation fees start from $49 on weekdays and $69 on weekends and public holidays. Medicare rebates may apply.
4What conditions are eligible for a Medicare Rebate?
We offer bulk billing (no gap fee) for specific patient groups: - Children under 12 months.
- Patients experiencing homelessness: Must hold a valid Concession Card. - Mental Health Care Plan consultations: Must hold a valid Concession Card. - Sexual Health Consultations: must have a Concession Card. - Pregnancy: must have a concession card.If you meet the above criteria but do not have a Concession Card, we can process your Medicare claim directly with Medicare. You will receive an approximate rebate of approximately $41 in your bank account.
5Why are credit card details required for making Bulk-billed appointments?
To secure your bulk-billed appointment, we require credit card details. Your card will only be charged if you are not eligible for bulk billing or if you do not attend your appointment. A non-attendance fee of $20 (weekdays) or $40 (weekends) applies in these cases.
6How much is my Medicare Rebate?
Medicare rebates are available for the following consultations: - Patients experiencing homelessness: $41 rebate. - Sexual health consultations: $41 rebate. - Pregnancy Consultations: $41 rebate. - Mental Health Care Plan consultations: $100 rebate. - Mental health consultations over 20 minutes: $80 rebate.For all other consultations, a Medicare rebate is not available. We can submit your claim to Medicare on your behalf, or you can claim directly using your receipt.
7Does my private health fund cover any cost?
After each consultation, you'll receive a receipt. Please check with your health insurer to see if you're eligible for a rebate under your policy.
8What medications can you prescribe?
We can provide prescriptions for a range of conditions, including infections (such as UTIs), contraception, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, and smoking cessation. We do not prescribe addictive medications, restricted medications (including S4D and S8 drugs), certain sleeping or pain medications, or specific weight loss medications.
9Do you treat Covid-19 online?
Our online doctors can assess your eligibility for COVID-19 antiviral medications and prescribe them if appropriate.
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